Friday, May 18, 2012

Leeteuk Changes His Cell Phone Number

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Leeteuk from Super Junior changed his phone number.

On May 17, Yoon Jong Shin posted a captured screen of his cell phone and a phrase, "Ah, I'm becoming stupid these days."

The captured screen of his cell phone was text messages he exchanged with Leeteuk. Leeteuk sent him a message saying, "Great weather, Leeteuk changed his phone number! Please save it."

Leeteuk revealed a part of his phone number on his Twitter on April 1, April fool’s day. Then Leeteuk's fans thought his complete phone number would have "1004" from Leeteuk's ID, "special1004." However, the number that the fans assumed was someone else's phone number.

So Leeteuk revealed his complete phone number and promised that he will keep using the same number. On April 3, Leeteuk posted on his Twitter, "I will keep this number, and it will be where we can communicate. I'll let you guys know when I shut it down."

When netizens found out that Leeteuk changed his phone number, they reacted, "What happens to the old phone number where you said you will keep it to communicate with us?" "I'm sorry that you had to change your number," "But I still think revealing his phone number to communicate with his fans was a good try," and "It's really good to see that Leeteuk's communicating with his fans."