Thursday, June 21, 2012

After School’s Uee Graces the Cover of “CeCi” Magazine

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After School‘s Uee has recently revealed her cute, fresh and sexy charms in a photo shoot.

Uee was chosen as the cover model for the July edition of “CeCi” magazine. She displayed a comfortable but sexy charm, which showed a whole different side of Uee.

Uee appears in the photo shoot with a “mini-me” girl and many are curious as to that little girl is. However, many After School fans already know the girl, named Jung Hyun, since she apeared in Pledis Entertainment‘s winter album, “Happy Pledis Love Letter.”

Both Uee and Jung Hyun showed their funky and cute styles. Uee’s long, shapely legs were highlighted and even with casual clothing, her sexiness could not be ignored. Uee also speaks about her solo acting career through “Ojakyo Brothers,” and also After School’s come back stage.

Netizens commented, “Both of you are so pretty,” “Who’s daughters are they that they are so pretty?” “Jung Hyun is so cute, please grow up just the way you are,” “Uee has killer legs. All kill!”

Meanwhile, After School has recently released their 5th maxi single, “Flashback.”