Saturday, June 16, 2012

Gil comments on being ‘the unfunny character’

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Gil confessed his honest thoughts about being on variety shows.

Leessang ‘s Gil appeared on the episode of KBS 2TV‘s ‘Yoo Hee Yeol’s Sketchbook‘ that aired on June 15th and shared his thoughts on being ‘the unfunny character’ on variety shows.

MC Yoo Hee Yeol joked that “Gil isn’t much fun on variety shows. However, he goes around announcing that he is ‘the Almighty’ of the music industry.”

In response Gil said, “I do wish I could be funny when I go on variety shows..” and then pretended to shed tears. He especially elicited a lot of laughter by taking off his sunglasses to wipe his tears and then pretending to stab his eye with the sunglasses.

He added, “I am thankful that I even inherited Hyeong-don‘s position of being the unfunny character. If I keep practicing, I wonder if I will be able to be naturally funny in the future without having to try” and “I have been at it for about 7 years. The hyungs told me that I need at least 10 years of experience.”

Source & Image: Nate