Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father’s Day! 5 Most Famous Dads in Korean Entertainment!

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The third Sunday of June marks Father’s Day, the day to celebrate our dads and show them our appreciation. This year, Father’s Day falls on June 17, which means it’s time for us to acknowledge and thank all the dads out there!

There’s a large group of caring dads in the Korean pop industry as well. Better known as “son-idiots” or “daughter-idiots” for their devotion and commitment to their children, these celebrity fathers have proudly expressed their unconditional love for their children in public.

In honor of all the famous fathers celebrating Father’s Day this year, we’ve rounded up some of the best-known dads in the Korean entertainment industry. Click through the list and make sure you say thank you to your dad too! (Please let us know if we missed anyone!)

(Scroll through the list by clicking the page numbers at the bottom of this article)