Wednesday, July 25, 2012

[Exclusive] Interview with Jay Park: Roundtable at the MTV World Stage in Malaysia

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Soompi got the chance to attend a roundtable interview with Jay Park before his performance at MTV World Stage in Malaysia! We came equipped with a list of questions prepared by our very own Soompiers, as well as some of our own. It was our first time seeing Jay Park in person, although he had been to Singapore a couple of times. Surrounded by an entire security crew, our first (honest) impression of him was, “Well, he looks a little arrogant!” But we found out later that we were so wrong! Generally we’re accustomed to waiting awhile for these very busy celebrities, but the interview with Jay started earlier than scheduled. He was already seated when we were led into the interview room, so to our great dismay, we didn’t have enough time to prepare our video equipment.

Clad comfortably in a white sleeveless hoodie and black jeans, Jay looked very relaxed and was humming a tune as we settled into our seats. Although the interview questions were pre-screened, Jay always did his best to answer every question from the media. We really appreciated that he would take a moment to ponder the question put forth to him before giving his answer. It showed that he was trying to put some thought into it so he wouldn’t merely provide standard answers. He was willing to answer every question and even take photos with us after the interview! Definitely a very down-to-earth and polite kind of guy.

Click below for the interview and photos!