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Girl group Wonder Girls revealed a proof shot they took with hip hop and R&B musician Akon, who is famous all around the world. On July 22, Sohee tweeted, “With Akon. Sorry Sunye unni. Kk.” Along with the tweet, she attached a photo.
In the picture, the members of Wonder Girls and Akon are doing a dance move from Wonder Girls’ new song, “Like Money.” Sunye appears to have missed the timing of the pose because she is looking down with her hands together. Her somewhat startled expression is different from the other members’ bright faces, which brought laughter to people who viewed the photo.
Netizens said, “Noona, it’s funny. Please, tweet more often,” “Sunye, who missed the timing, is cute,” “I think ‘Like Money’ is a really good song. Also, Akon featured in it. Yeeun sings so well,” “Wonder Girls are also a world star now!” and “Sunye, sorry for not being able to protect you.”
Meanwhile, Wonder Girls and Akon had a collaboration stage for the “Green Groove Festival 2012,” which took place on July 21. Akon featured in “Like Money” and he is planning to take part in Wonder Girls’ promotion in the U.S.