On August 6, a video clip of Big Bang‘s TOP was posted on an online community forum and titled, “TOP Turns Airport Security Checkpoint into a Runway.” The revealed video clip shows TOP getting searched by security officers at the airport’s security checkpoint.
TOP is standing out from the rest of the crowd in ankle-length dark jeans, grey t-shirt, and a bright pink blazer topped with a pair of sunglasses. Even the security officers working at the checkpoint couldn’t help it but to take a glance or two at TOP every now and then.
Netizens commented on this short video clip, “You can spot TOP from very far away because of his good looks,” “The true artist aura,” and “He turns the airport into a runway.” Currently, Big Bang is in the middle of “ALIVE Galaxy Tour 2012,” holding a series of concerts in 25 cities in 16 countries including Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Hong Kong and so on.