Monday, September 17, 2012

Orange Caramel’s Lizzy Proves She Can Fit Inside A Cabinet

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Currently promoting as part of Orange Caramel, a subunit of After School, Lizzy revealed several pictures through her twitter on September 17. She included the caption, “Ooo-haha I can fit fit inside the cabinet.”

Inside the picture, one can see that Lizzy is wearing the stage outfit for their newest song “Lipstick.” She looks to be enjoying her newly found hiding place, flashing bright smiles and telling the viewers to keep her hiding place a secret. Shh!

Netizens who ran into her picture commented on her figure, “How small is her body for her to fit inside a cabinet?” “You proved your small body frame! Your facial expression is too cute.”

Lizzy and the rest of Orange Caramel (Nana and Raina) are currently busy promoting their newest track “Lipstick.”

Soompiers, do you know of any celebrities who took pictures in the most random places? Please share with us your findings.