Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Psy Found on a McDonald’s Bag in Malaysia?

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Spotted: Psy‘s horse-riding dance cartoon on a McDonald’s paper bag overseas!

A Malaysian netizen snapped a photo of a McDonald’s bag with Psy’s famous “Gangnam Style” horse-riding dance and posted it on Facebook. While Malaysia offers McDonald Spicy McShaker Fries in the restaurants, it seems like the bag is describing a more fun way to shake things up with Psy’s dance.

The paper bag shows instructions for how to eat the McShaker Fries. It says, “1. Place the fries and sauce in the bag. 2. Tightly hold the bag while dancing to Psy’s ‘Gangnam Style’ as you shake. 3. Enjoy your delicious fries.”

This photo spread like wildfire on the Internet among netizens and some of the comments include, “You can see Psy’s dance even on fast food packaging,” “Everyone really seems to be into Psy’s dance,” and many more.

Meanwhile, Psy has returned from his 3-week trip to the US and received a warm welcome home. During his stay in the US, his “Gangnam Style” video hit the 260 million mark on YouTube. “Gangnam Style” reached #3 in England and reached #1 on the US iTunes Single Chart.