Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Psy Keeps Promise with College Students, Sets Example for Some Celebrities and Agencies

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World star PSY has kept his promise to the college students, setting an example for some celebrities and agencies.

After 3 weeks of non-stop promotions in America, Psy returned home during the wee hours of September 25. He held a press conference on September 26 and left right away to perform an event at Joong Ang University.

With the intense American promotions, the 10-plus hours of a long flight back home, and a press conference in Gangnam, Psy must have been very tired but he still kept his promise.

With the whirlwind success of “Gangnam Style,” Psy has transformed into a worldwide star. It is reported that broadcasting companies are lined up to have Psy appear on their shows. But Psy will be pushing those lovecalls aside for a moment to perform in eight different college campuses. His guarantee rate has not changed since before he left for America. Many believe that this is setting a great example for the many agencies that chose to cancel events like this.

In the past, a girl group was invited to a college festival with a guarantee of 10 million won (about 10,000 USD) in the beginning. However, their song became a big hit and they began to receive broadcasting lovecalls and other big events. The group’s agency went on to call the universities and cancel the event, with the excuse that the group members are sick and won’t be able to go far outside the city. But it was revealed that on the same date as the canceled college festival, the girl group went on to perform at another big corporation event.

This is not the only instance. Being late is a given for many celebrities but there are so many cases where they cancel in the last minute, or just don’t show up at all.

Sources say that many big corporations are lined up to invite Psy to perform in one of their events. If Psy, the newly transformed mega star, had canceled on those college festivals to perform on an overseas stage such as the US, would people in Korea have still criticized him?

Nevertheless, Psy proclaimed, “College festivals is not work, it’s a party.” It seems like some of the celebrities and agencies could learn a thing or two from Psy.