Monday, September 10, 2012

‘The Birth of a Great Star’ winner Baek Chung Kang receives surgery for early rectal cancer

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The winner of MBC‘s ‘The Birth of a Great Star‘, singer Baek Chung Kang (23), has been confirmed with an early diagnosis of rectal cancer.

A representative revealed, “On August 31st, Baek Chung Kang received surgery to remove a rectal adenoma (tumor). The doctor discovered cancer cells in the removed adenoma.

Since a few months ago, Baek Chung Kang had abnormal stomach signals and received examinations from various hospitals. A 4 cm. long adenoma (an adenoma is a benign tumor) was discovered and he underwent surgery.

His agency stated, “Baek Chung Kang was discovered with adenoma and received surgery and he is currently recovering. After he is cured and cares for his health, there won’t be any big problems in promoting.

After winning ‘Birth of a Great Star’, Baek Chung Kang promoted his mini album, ‘All Night’, in Korea and China.

Source: Yonhap News via Nate