Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Shin Min Ah Talks About Lee Jun Ki and Lee Seung Gi

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In her interview with Style Magazine (@Star1), Shin Min Ah compared “My Girl Friend is Nine Tailed’sLee Seung Ki to “Arang and the Magistrate’s” Lee Jun Ki. She said, “Both actors are very nice and good actors. I didn’t find any issue regarding age differences with the two actors.”

Shin Min Ah said because Lee Seung Gi called her by the character’s name Mi Ho, she sometimes forgot that Lee Seung Gi was actually younger than her. On the other hand, Lee Jun Ki is older in real life that she called him “Jun Ki oppa (brother).”

Shin Min Ah continued, “In the past wherever I went I was the youngest. Now I see so many young people. I feel old. However, I felt comfortable around Lee Jun Ki because he is actually older than I am. Both men are good actors and very energetic. They make everyone smile.”

She also added that, “Filming a drama requires a lot of energy. I usually get tired quickly but both actors supported me in many ways. They both are good people. I thank them.”