Monday, November 5, 2012

f(x)’s Krystal, Dal Shabet’s Subin, and Girls Day’s Hyeri receive acceptance letters from Universities

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Dal Shabet ‘s Subin , Girls Day ‘s Hyeri , and f(x) ‘s Krystal have been accepted early to colleges.

According to her label, Subin was accepted into both Konkuk University’s Fine Arts Culture College as a theater major and into the Dongduk Women’s University’s Performing Arts College as a broadcast artist major for the 2013 year. At Konkuk University, she was one of the 14 accepted out of the 1768 people who applied (1 to 126 ratio). The university has gotten rid of the ‘Celebrity Special Rotation’, so Subin earned her admission fairly amongst the other candidates. According to her label, “Subin will be talking with her parents to pick which college to attend. Originally, she was going to take the entrance exam, but she got the news she was accepted before hand, so she will not be taking the exams.

Similarly, Girl’s Day’s Hyeri was also accepted into Konkuk University’s Fine Arts Culture College as a theater major. Hyeri’s representative said, “She will be working hard as a singer, but as her major says, she will also be working hard to widen her reach as an actress.

According to SM Entertainment, Krystal was accepted into Hanyang University and her major is acting. She is still waiting for results from other colleges that she applied to, and will not be making a decision until December. SM Entertainment said, “Results from other schools have not come back yet. She will be conferring with her parents after all her results come back to determine whether to attend Hanyang University or not.

Congratulations to the girls!