Actress Lee Bo Young shared that she felt a bit sad and upset about the reactions of the public to the character she plays in her drama.
On this week’s broadcast of KBS2′s ‘Happy Together 3‘ the guests included the main characters of ‘My Daughter Seoyoung‘: Lee Bo Young, Lee Sang Yoon, Park Hye Jin, and Park Jung Ah.
During the broadcast, Lee Bo Young was asked if she has told a lie, and she answered by saying, “I have been sad and upset while filming ‘My Daughter Seoyoung’.”
In the show, Lee Bo Young plays a character who leaves her father behind to get married. She commented, “There were a lot of viewers that would say, ‘what did her father do that was so wrong to make her leave him,’” revealing her frustration that the viewers could not see things from her character’s point of view.
She continued, “I think a lot about how I should portray my character and I think that if my parents were not there for me during the important developmental ages of puberty like my character, then I think I would be hurt. That’s how I began to understand my character more.”
In related news, ‘Happy Together 3′ had been holding the number one viewer rating in its time slot, but the return of Kang Ho Dong and guest Jung Woo Sung on MBC’s ‘Knee Drop Guru‘ has left ‘Happy Together 3′ to drop down to number 2.