Sunday, November 25, 2012

Lizzy’s Pouty Selca Released

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On her Twitter on November 25, groups After School and Orange Caramel’s Lizzy uploaded a photo along with a message, “I just had an orange and now I am pumped with adrenaline. I am so happy, and so here is my gift to you.”

In the picture is Lizzy with a pouty expression and looking adorable. Unlike her usual glitzy makeup, Lizzy looks natural and beautiful in this picture.

Netizens who saw this photo replied, “Lizzy’s selca is so cute,” “Lizzy’s selca looks adorable,” “I really like her,” “Why would you get an adrenaline rush with an orange?”

Meanwhile, after a huge success with the album “Lipstick” in Korea, Orange Caramel has recently released a short MV for their second Japanese single “Lum No Love Song.”