Friday, November 16, 2012

Teen Top Reveals They Used to Fight Often with One Another

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On SBS MTV “Teen Top’s Rising 100%,” Teen Top confessed that the members used to fight frequently with each other. During the confession corner of the program, L.Joe revealed his honest feelings when he first joined the group. He told that he couldn’t cope with Niel and they had numerous fights and arguments.

L.Joe apologized to Niel, “I am sorry that I couldn’t act like a hyung ever since we met.” After the sincere apology Niel replied, “I should have been the one to apologize to you first. I am sorry that I kept on firing back at you. Hyung, I thank you for approaching me first.”

Soon, all members started to share their sincere apologies and regards with each other.

The episode of Teen Top will be on air on November 16.