Monday, December 24, 2012

How The Wonder Girls Celebrate Christmas

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Members of the girl group Wonder Girls posted on their Twitter how they celebrated their own Christmas together and uploaded several pictures, titling the tweet, “Wonder Girls Home Party.”

Member Yubin also wrote, “Haha. WG Christmas Party! Envious~?? Have a joyful holiday everyone!”

Leader Sunye added, “I am so happy and thankful that we are all together for this day…! I love you.” All five members of the Wonder Girls are posing for the pictures, including former member Sunmi who joined the gathering as well.

Ye Eun posted, “Ah, polaroid. I poured coca cola on the far left plate because it caught fire. If you pour coca cola on a candle, it looks prettier.”

In related news, Sunye recently announced that she will be holding a wedding in the near future and will put a stop to her singing career for the time being. Ye Eun also became a leader actress in the musical “The Three Musketeers.”