Monday, December 24, 2012

Jun.K and Changmin likely to join ‘The Three Musketeers’ musical

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It’s been reported 2PM ‘s Jun.K and 2AM ‘s Changmin have been cast into the musical ‘The Three Musketeers ‘.

The pair have been double cast into the same male lead role and they’re currently practicing for the musical. Wonder Girls Yenny has also been cast as the female lead, so many fans are looking forward to the show.

JYP Entertainment said, “It’s true that there’s been a request for Jun.K to be cast in Yenny’s musical ‘The Three Musketeers’. He’s looking at things optimistically“. Big Hit Entertainment said, “Changmin is looking at the same role as Jun.K optimistically“.

The musical will run from February 20th to April 21st.

Tip: Paula