Thursday, December 13, 2012

Seo In Guk reveals he was once disappointed by Yoon Jong Shin on ‘Radio Star’

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Singer turned actor Seo In Guk revealed he was once disappointed by his senior Yoon Jong Shin .

On the December 12th broadcast of MBC‘s ‘Radio Star ‘, Seo In Guk began by saying, “I was very disappointed in Yoon Jong Shin when I previously appeared on ‘Radio Star’.”

He continued, “Yoon Jong Shin sunbae and I have once appeared together on a cable program, so I believed he would take care of me [when I appear on 'Radio Star']. Before we went into recording, he was very affectionate and treated me well, but once the recording began, he would just look down at his script whenever I talked.”

It would’ve been better if he had just told me that it was getting boring, but instead he ignored me,” Seo In Guk said, expressing his sadness and slight disappointment.