Tuesday, January 8, 2013

“Nation’s Little Brother” Yoo Seung Ho Looks Manly in Uniform

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Ever wondered what the nation’s little brother, Yoo Seung Ho, would look like in uniform?

As previously reported, the young actor plans to join the army by the end of this month, and it’s been reported that he is currently finalizing on his enlistment date. As such, many netizens have expressed their curiosity as to how Yoo Seung Ho would look in uniform.

Earlier today, photos of Yoo Seung Ho decked in military attire have resurfaced various online communities, giving fans a glimpse of what Yoo Seung Ho will look like in a month or two. The photos were taken from the set of his drama, “Operation Proposal,” last year.

Meanwhile, Yoo Seung Ho revealed that he will not enlist as an entertainment soldier but join as an active soldier in the front-line troops.