It’s hard to make something beautiful turn ugly, but B.A.P ‘s Zelo tried his best. Zelo, who is known as a “giant baby” for his combination of cute visuals and tall height became “ugly” in a hilarious selca.
Zelo shared on his Twitter,
— ZELO (@ZELO96) February 19, 2013
Attached was a link to an instagram photo where Zelo was doing his best to be ugly by pulling down the bags under his eyes and sticking out his tongue. But fans weren’t convinced and his funny face only reminded us that our Zelo is still a “giant baby” at heart.
Fans commented, “I want to be as ugly as you”, “Zelo is so cute”, and “I like your style.”
B.A.P recently made a comeback with “One Shot” and will hold their first solo concert ‘B.A.P LIVE ON EARTH SEOUL‘ on the 23rd and 24th.