B.A.P ‘s Himchan hyped fans up after revealing a photo of the group rehearsing for their ‘B.A.P LIVE ON EARTH SEOUL’ concert.
The singer seems to be unable to sleep as he recently took to Twitter to express his excitement over their upcoming concert. “A sleepless night due to excitement. Maybe its because there’s not much time left LiveOnEarth2013,” he tweeted while sharing the photo above.
For two days on February 23 and 24, B.A.P will be holding their first ever solo concert at the Olympic Park Hall in Seoul. The concert hall can accommodate roughly 4,000 people and both domestic and international artists have performed at the venue.
Followers responded to his tweet, “We’re excited as well!“, “Good luck on the concerts“, “Get plenty of rest before the big day“, and more.
Tip: infispirit