Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Yoo Seung Ho seen for the first time since enlistment

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Photos of Yoo Seung Ho in the army were uploaded to the 27th division’s official fan cafe!

These are the first photos revealed to the public since his sudden enlistment.

In the photos, Yoo Seung Ho is being handed a firearm, and he is taking the oath for the training education. Even though he’s shaved his hair and in the army uniform, he looked just as handsome as when he had fully done hair and was wearing fashionable clothes. He also looks like he’d matured during the short time he’s enlisted.

He has started his 5-week basic training period on the 11th, and when the training period is over, he’ll be in the 27th division for 21 months.

Image(s): DongA Ilbo / 27th division’s official fan cafe