Thursday, April 18, 2013

Baek Ji Young and Jung Suk Won’s marriage confirmed not to be a shotgun marriage

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With news of Baek Ji Young and Jung Suk Won ‘s sudden marriage in June, some had wondered if the marriage was a shotgun marriage.

However, Baek Ji Young’s close friend confirmed, “Baek Ji Young is currently researching the various parts of marriage. She’s anticipating her marriage, and she’s very happy. I asked her myself, and she’s not pregnant. They didn’t confirm a wedding date, but they’ll be announcing it as soon as they confirm one.

Both of their labels had made an official statement about the pair’s marriage in June. According to their labels, they had met with both sets of parents, and have decided to get married in June. Once they decide on the date, they’ll also be looking for a wedding hall.

Again, congratulations to the lovely pair!