Kang Ho Dong and Lee Hyori, two celebrities known for their ferocity, have recently had a tense battle of the nerves with each other.
Lee Hyori was a guest on the most recent episode of SBS “Barefoot Friends.” Lee Hyori and Kang Ho Dong have not been on a variety program together for almost ten years.
From the start of the filming, Lee Hyori dominated the cast with her strong attitude. Even the big and strong Kang Ho Dong could not win over Lee Hyori’s words. To express his frustration, Kang Ho Dong screamed, “[Yoo] Jae Suk!” which made everyone explode in laughter.
Meanwhile, Lee Hyori and the other “Barefoot Friends” cast members went to visit Yoon Jong Shin‘s home. No one informed Yoon Jong Shin of this visit so him and his family were very surprised.
Yoon Jong Shin’s two daughters Lime and Lao went over to Kang Ho Dong and started to call him “father,” which is reported to have made Kang Ho Dong very happy.
Lee Hyori’s guest appearance will air on May 26.
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