After releasing the happy news of her pregnancy earlier in the week, Baek Ji-young shared why she had
waited to share the news with the public.
According to Baek's label, Baek had first found out she was expecting back in April when the news of
her engagement with Jung Suk-won first broke out. However, in fear of the public judging her
negatively, the label had frowned upon revealing Baek's pregnancy.
The label added that factors like Baek's older age (37 years old) make the early stage of pregnancy
even more sensitive than that of younger women. Thus, they didn't want hateful comments from netizens
and the public to put her into a state of distress, dangerous for the baby.
The singer had initially planned to announce her pregnancy on May 11th at her concert, but that was
when Jung had planned his surprise public proposal.
Baek's agency asked the public and netizens refrain from leaving negative and hurtful comments.
Baek is 9 weeks into her pregnancy with her wedding to Jung slated for this coming June 2nd.