Sunday, August 12, 2012

2NE1 sends a wreath to Psy, ‘Mapo Style’

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With Psy ‘s ‘Summer Stand The Drenched Show’ concert taking place, the members of 2NE1 set out to commemorate the occasion by sending the singer a congratulatory wreath.

On August 11th, Dara posted a picture on her me2day along with the comment, “This is a wreath that 2NE1 sent to the CNN Star Psy oppa hoping that the concert is daebak! Go to the ‘Summer Stand, The Drenched Show 2012′ and get drenched~!!! RUN!!!”

The picture features the splendidly decorated wreath with a message that reads, “CNN Star Psy oppa! Good luck with your ‘Drenched Show’. From ‘Mapo Style’ 2NE1.”

Fans responded, “I wanted to go to Psy’s concert too.“, “Fighting to Mapo Style and Gangnam Style.

Image+Source: Osen via Nate, Dara’s me2day