Actor Song Seung Hun tweeted a photo of himself with MBLAQ ‘s G.O , 2PM ‘s Taecyeon , ZE:A ‘s Dongjun , and So Ji Sub .
Along with the photo he wrote, “The ending party after Ji Sub’s ‘A Company Man’~ With the cool guys ~ haha“. In the photo, the five men are posing at the camera with large smiles and they looked quite handsome.
‘A Company Man ‘ is a movie starring So Ji Sub as the main character, Dongjun was also cast in the movie for his big screen debut, playing a part-timer in the homicide business.
Taecyeon also tweeted, “I saw the movie ‘A Company Man’ yesterday, and I couldn’t take my eyes off the movie because of So Ji Sub hyungnim’s action and masculine charms~ ZE:A’s Dongjun’s action is so cool too kekeke I hope you all watch it in the theaters too~”
Source: Song Seung Hoon’s Twitter and Taecyeon’s Twitter
Tip: Paula