Saturday, August 4, 2012

‘Infinity Challenge’ cast’s Facebook accounts revealed to be fake

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HaHa has revealed that the Facebook accounts of the ‘Infinity Challenge ‘ cast are fake.

He posted to Twitter on the 2nd, “The Facebook accounts of the ‘Infinity Challenge’ family including [Yoo Jae Suk ] hyung’s are fake! Don’t be fooled. Also, for those of you who are impersonating our identities, please delete the accounts.”

He continued, “If it’s a fan page, it’s better to clearly mark it as so. A lot of people are misunderstanding, and because [the posts] aren’t from our mouths, they can be distorted without our [permission or intention]… Anyway, we don’t have Facebooks.”

Recently, fake Facebook accounts of the ‘Infinity Challenge’ members have been receiving a lot of “likes” on the social networking service. Many fans have been mistaking the accounts as authentic as those behind them have been posting as if they were the cast members themselves. The misunderstanding grew when it was revealed that Yoo Jae Suk had finally bought his first smartphone.

Netizens commented, “I thought it was for real, but they’re fake,” “These days, celebrity impersonators are too harsh,” “Please don’t mess with Yoo Jae Suk,” and “How about Yoo Jae Suk takes this chance to make a real Facebook?”

Source: Hankooki via Nate