Monday, December 3, 2012

Lee Hong Ki Welcomes The Beginning of Winter

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FT Island‘s Lee Hong Ki celebrated the first sign of winter by sharing a selca. He told his twitter followers, “I don’t know what it’s like in Seoul, but where I’m filming there’s a lot of snow! This is my favorite part of winter, so I’m really happy!” He later made another twitter post assuring fans, “I might look like I’ve been smoking, but it really is just a puff of air that you can see cause it’s so cold out here!”

Bundled up in a red jacket, Lee Hong Ki shares his glee over the beautiful snow-covered landscape. The photo must have been taken right after snowfall, because not a single spot outdoors is without a layer of fresh white snow.

Netizens commented, “Wow that is a lot of snow! Where did you take this photo?” “Looking at this photo make me feel cold!” “It must be really cold where you are! Keep up the hard work! Fighting!”