Friday, January 11, 2013

Girls’ Generation’s biggest challenge comes from ‘Infinity Challenge’?

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If there is one album that everyone in the music industry wants to avoid, it’s actually not from an artist, but from the variety show ‘Infinity Challenge ‘. When ‘Infinity Challenge’ albums are released, they usually sweep all the music charts and some people even suggest that idols should lay low during this time.

The idol group that faced ‘Infinity Challenge’ was Girls’ Generation . As quite possibly the current biggest name in K-pop, Girls’ Generation’s “I Got A Boy ” and “Dancing Queen ” received great results, including receiving #1 on the music charts. However, a few days after the album came out, ‘Infinity Challenge’ released the track, ‘Gangbuk Fancy Guy‘, produced and written by Park Myung Soo, and took the title of all-kill away from Girls’ Generation. Even now on charts such as Naver Music, Bugs, Monkey3, Olleh Music, and Daum Music, Jung Hyung Don‘s ‘Gangbuk Fancy Guy’ is winning over not only Girls’ Generation but most of the idol bands.

This is not the first time Girls’ Generation has faced off and lost to ‘Infinity Challenge’. In 2009, they released “Genie“, which performed well at first but then lost in the music charts to ‘Infinity Challenge’ when they released their summer album. The same thing occurred in 2011 with “The Boys” and ‘”Mr. Taxi“.

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Source: Mediaus via Nate