Friday, March 15, 2013

G-Dragon talks about his growth since the marijuana scandal

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Two years ago, G-Dragon was swept under scandals of marijuana use. He rarely talked about the topic, but he finally talked about it openly on the March 15 episode of “Thank You “.

He opened up the topic by saying, “Because of the incident 2 years ago, I couldn’t appear on TV, and some of my fans turned their back on me.

He continued, “After that, I cried a lot. It was a time where I was able to gather thoughts by myself and have time to self-reflect. I started to lower myself from that high pedestal. I’m living with my family now, and I’m learning to appreciate my family too.

He also confessed, “When I was younger and had incredible success, it never really felt real. Before I knew it, I was jaded by the fame. I was empty and felt like I’d lost my dream. I didn’t know how it is to be thankful. I just thought that I was the best.