Wednesday, April 24, 2013

GI’s OneKet reveals she shed 35 pounds for her debut

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GI member OneKet revealed she shed a whopping 16 kg (35.2 lbs) for her debut!

She uploaded a photo of herself munching on salad onto GI’s official Twitter, writing, “Salad. I really like it, too…“.

OneKet revealed that before her debut, she had a steady diet of drinking one bottle of soy milk a day, and then carefully regulated what she ate to shed off the pounds.

Her label Shimtong Entertainment revealed, “When OneKet first started training, she weighed 59 kg (129.8 lbs). A year before she debuted, she drank only soy milk and ate carefully, losing 9 kg (19.8 lbs). She continued to steadily shed the weight until she lost 16 kg in total. She’s regulating what she’s eating now to maintain her weight.